2014 Art Exhibition / Auction

Hi everyone, I have been busy lately painting towards a show at the end of this year, I am thinking of doing something different by auctioning off my oil paintings this time, I will open the exhibition for a week for viewing then have the auction at the end of the week. I am also thinking of having some drawings and water coulours, something a bit different for me. I have gone back to my roots lately by painting a number of Taranaki landscapes, there will also be works of the states after traveling there over christmas and taking a number of photographs to paint.

I’m not sure on a date at this stage but the show will take place at the end of this year, maybe November sometime. I will let you all no closer to the date, I will send out invites and do as much advertising as I can so you can all be there.

I will be putting up some photos of my latest paintings for this show,  so keep an eye on this space. I will also be adding new new works to my ‘available works’ section of this site so look out for those over the next few months.

Talk soon……


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